Thursday, December 27, 2012


I can keep this really short, there are only two things to say:

1) The song I mentioned in the last post didn't turn out. (Although that doesn't mean I won't keep working on it and trying to make it...)


2) Instead, something I had saved in the notes on my phone with just a bassline in mind did! So here's that:


Friday, December 21, 2012


I actually uploaded something!! It's kinda cool even though it's really bad because I kept the video of me playing it attached to the final, edited sound... if that makes any sense. Or, you could just go watch it: Just make sure you listen with speakers or headphones with nice bass- trust me, it matters.

So hopefully I'll keep doing stuff since I have a couple weeks off. I'm working on something else that might turn out- or might not, depending :) Until then, maybe you'll actually like this?

and here's the soundcloud link:


Sunday, September 9, 2012


I've gotten everything that I used as an excuse for not making better music. I used to say that I could do it when I had a Macbook. Then, only if I had my own Macbook. I said that I needed a synth. A better guitar. The right cords and converters. Guitar lessons. A band. New software is still on the list, and a tabla or drum machine, but you and I can both see how this is going. Tonight I realized how pathetic my attempts have been. Since I moved into my dorm, I have only touched my guitar and Garageband once. ONCE. And, (even though I try not to say this out loud), I may have some ridiculous dreams of actually doing music for a living someday. I am a contradiction. I want to take the world by storm with my music, but yet I don't write or even play. I've heard it said that if something is important enough to you, you'll make time for it. But music is important to me. The only reason I can think of is that I'm scared- it might not turn out like I imagined (read: perfect), and then I would feel like permanently quitting. Isn't it better if I just postpone the failure so at least right now I can feel like I'm good at music?

Tonight, I broke out an unfinished song, one which explores new musical territory for me. That means that there is a huge risk involved. If my attempt to.... rap (yes, little middle-class white girl, blah blah blah- shut up)... if rap doesn't doesn't go well this time, I might never touch it again. I found some old synth/iPad recordings and tried to put the two together. Perfect? NO. But at least I opened Garageband.

I need to remember to keep getting back on the horse, even though it's big and it's scary and it is wayyyy too easy to fall off. And tomorrow, I will open Garageband again.


Sunday, August 19, 2012


This is pretty unrelated to music-making, but I thought I'd mention that I have a tumblr that I'm currently obsessed with, so maybe follow me so I'm not super lonely? I would love to look at yours too, so here's the link:

And, uh, I'd love to say there's more original stuff on there, but mostly it's pictures I find inspiring...


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We can check that off.

     One thing I remember learning in ninth grade health class besides "drugs are bad" was that the high you get from them is the same as playing music or sports or acting on stage or skydiving or rock-climbing. So you can buy happiness. It's called weed. But, wouldn't it be more fun to actually skydive?

Amazing skydiving video:
My health teacher at the time was a musician, and he told us he found euphoria playing with his band on stage. I always thought that was kind of cool, and never having experimented with lessthanlegal substances myself, wondered what a rush that was worth risk and money would feel like. I also happen to be a musician, but am pretty shy and scared of playing in front of actual people. I wasn't the type of person that could play live. But, lately I've been restless and frustrated with the multiple ruts I've allowed myself to fall into. I've been far too busy with The Mentalist to bother to climb back out of those ruts. That's just pathetic. A week or two ago, I called up my friend who, like me, loves music, but is scared of performing. "Play live" was on the summer bucket list. In fact, "LIVE" had been on my hand (where I write everything important) for the past three years. Tonight was open mic night at a local venue. And tonight, I can finally wash my hands of "LIVE"- literally. I couldn't help noticing that my name online is storm (the reasons behind this deserve their own whole post) and, as we drove home, a huge thunderstorm blew in, with the dramatic flashes following us as we sped away at the speed of light, euphoric at having finally conquered some long-standing fears. A good omen?



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So here I am. 1:33 am and more awake than I've quite possibly ever felt before. I guess I didn't know exactly how it would feel, despite all the hours I laid awake imagining it. I finally completed a song, recorded it, edited it, uploaded it, and amazingly, still liked it. Obviously it's not perfect, because my voice cracks at 2:55 and the "blinded by your arrogance" doesn't fit like I'd planned, but it's done. And so, even if you normally see naive, teenage DIY musicians trying to get people to listen to their stuff and are indifferent or slightly annoyed, I'm really, really sorry but it would mean the world if you commented.



Wednesday, June 27, 2012


"I'll do it tomorrow"... and then tomorrow never comes. I say I'll stop with the Fritos and Nutella tomorrow. I say I'll stop watching NCIS marathons tomorrow. But, all I did today was pin. So, this is my attempt to do something and I'm crossing my fingers that it works.
